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Music guild chat

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1Music guild chat Empty Music guild chat Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:50 pm


totaly new
totaly new

this topic is for all Music guild members and sambarians to talk about anything.
no seriosuly, i mean anything. Very Happy
ill start off with asking what kind of music u like. bring an example..
my favorite kind of music is (liquid) DnB. <-- which stands for Drum and Bass
heres some examples how it sounds like:

2Music guild chat Empty Re: Music guild chat Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:57 pm


Girl Lover
Girl Lover

I like the rap ! yes a girl who listen rap x3 !!

Like eminem - snoop dog - Vato - pharrel - 50 cent - x zibit - Alexys y fido - Julio voltio - Wysin y yandel - Daddy yankee and more lol

3Music guild chat Empty Re: Music guild chat Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:13 pm


totaly new
totaly new

frutilla08 wrote:I like the rap ! yes a girl who listen rap x3 !!

Like eminem - snoop dog - Vato - pharrel - 50 cent - x zibit - Alexys y fido - Julio voltio - Wysin y yandel - Daddy yankee and more lol
if u could, add some of ur favorite songs.
so others can check them out and comment Very Happy

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